NEWS & Blogs

Autolock Centrifuge

Ease of use is always in mind of us when designing the centrifuge. Comparing with the traditional way of operation, Dynamica Centrifuges do not need to screw the rotor onto

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Seeing Is Believing

SeeingIsBelieving In centrifuge case, seeing is believing might not be that proper in most of the cases. Most of the technicians are still weighting two tubes so as to avoid

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Levelling Centrifuge

Installation of Dynamica High Speed Centrifuge is easy.  You may watch the video clip that shows you a comprehensive guide on the install the Dynamica Velocity 18R Pro on the

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Non-Contact Imbalance Sensor

Due to the COVID-19 issue, there are more Non-Contact devices such as lift buttons, electronic payments as people try to avoid virus infection by reducing touch. Do you know Dynamica

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