Non-Contact Imbalance Sensor

Non-Contact Imbalance Sensor

Due to the COVID-19 issue, there are more Non-Contact devices such as lift buttons, electronic payments as people try to avoid virus infection by reducing touch.

Do you know Dynamica developed the Non-Contact Imbalance Sensor since 2008 when we launch the first high speed centrifuge?

Dynamica Non-Contact Imbalance Sensor provides the following advantages.

• Measures oscillations / vibration amplitude over the entire rpm range comparing measured values with normal amplitude data, immediately catches abnormal vibrations and stops the rotor

• Real imbalance protection during centrifugation at different rpm

• Full centrifugation profile is being carefully monitored and compared with specific Rotor database

• The centrifuge will stop quickly if it is shocked or if any other abnormal vibration is detected during its operation

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